Made in the USA and In Business Since 1949! New Orleans best Filtration, Batteries, Oil, belts and Filters
Lawson makes great effort to assist our customers in reducing operational costs. All our customers’ needs are different, which makes our experience a valuable tool in customizing a strategy to maximize efficiencies that reduce cost. The reality is maintaining an engine can often be a daunting and costly task. We work directly with our customers to ensure they have the right supplies to efficiently maintain their equipment and get the most value for their buck. When you choose Lawson, you are hiring a group of individuals who are vested in the success of your company, without your success we know that we have none either.
Filtration Products
Baldwin, Racor\Parker, Fleet Guard Cummins Filtration, Koch, Pentair
AC Delco, US Battery, NorthStar, Optima, Odyessy
Shell, Pure Guard, Performance Plus
Belts & Accessories
Megadyne, Gates

Our Vision
Our Vision Is To Provide our Country, Customers, Community, and Employees with Peace of Mind.
What does Lawson look for in products to offer our customers? 1-Made in the USA is often the first we look for and is rarely substituted! 2-Second would be Quality, Quality is defined as the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind or the degree of excellence of something. Quality is what counts in the long run. Our leading products Like AC Delco, Baldwin Filters, Shell Oil all fly with these colors! When you shop at Lawson you can be confident that you are getting products that will enable your business peace of mind.